Monday, June 11, 2007

Lets Make Love & Listen To Death From Above by Cansei De Ser Sexy

Lets Make Love and Listen To Death From Above by Cansei De Ser Sexy

This song is my favorite CSS song, and the song they ended the encore on last night, and it was just brilliant. This band is so much fun and really energetic and cute. Just proof that you can be awesome and not take yourself so fucking seriously.

If you haven't bought their album yet, where the hell have you been?

Sunday, June 10, 2007

About Your Dress by the Maccabees

The Maccabees - About Your Dress

This song is really catchy, and the vocals are well, different, but they really grow on you. This has to be my favorite Maccabees song at the moment, and I'm really getting into them. I'm seeing them this friday, so that'll be exciting!

As for tonight, Cansei De Ser Sexy. Be prepared for a good long update on that.

Saturday, June 9, 2007

Foundations by Kate Nash

Kate Nash - Foundations

Newest single from Kate Nash. It is what people call, um, what was it? Chav-tronica? To clarify, she is NOT Lily Allen, she is humble and sweet and a fantastic musician who fell into music when she literally fell down a stairwell and broke her leg. Thankfully, she recovered and is now touring the UK. This is a sweet little ditty that is garaunteeed to get stuck in your head, and have to dancing along in your car.


DISCLAIMER: Any music that is uploaded here is for personal use only. If you download any of the music, according to the RIAA, you can keep it on your computer for 24 hours to sample, and then you are to delete it. Anything you do with the music after 24 hours is your own business and has nothign to do with me. Please remember to support your favorite artists and buy their music and see them live and all that jazz.

Artists, etc: If you find any of your music on my blog and it offends you that I am trying to spread your music to the so-called public, let me know, and I will remove it immediately. Thank you.